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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Macam mana nak handle PMS ? Part 1

Ibu rasa this is the good tips that i can share with you. Ibu rasa sangat berguna.Ye la kalau sesapa yang PMS yang sangat teruk tu, pasti rasa macam nak nangis. Bukan nak nangis je.
Nak bangun pun tak boleh . Setuju tak ?

25 natural remedies make curing pre-menstrual symptoms as easy as (chocolate) pie.
For Bloating :
Increased levels of estrogen in the days before your periods can inhibit your ability to flush water out of your system.

1. Draw A Geranium Oil Bath: Geranium oil is said to balance hormones by acting on the adrenal glands, which produce corticosteroid hormones, active in everything from regulating sodium levels to influencing sexual development. The oil may also be a diuretic. Add five to eight drops to a warm bath. Never put any essential oil directly on your skin; many are extremely irritating.

2. Cut Down On Salt: Salt is a notorious promoter of water retention. Steer clear of sodium-rich packaged foods (anything over 350 milligrams per serving is considered high) and reduce the salt you use while cooking. Instead you can boost your food's flavour by using herbs.

3. Sip Dandelion Leaf Tea: Dandelion leaf is a natural diuretic. Steep a quarter-cup of dried leaves (available in health food stores) in a jug of water. Start sipping two to three cups a day as soon as you feel bloated. For a more potent tea, add two tablespoons of dried parsley, another diuretic. Keep leftover tea covered to retain its leaves' volatile essential oils.
4. Take Magnesium: Recent clinical trials have shown that magnesium helps reduce water retention, though no one's quite sure why. You can find it in whole grains, nuts, avocados and green vegetables, or take a 200 mg supplement daily.

5. Drink Water: When you're retaining water, drinking more might seem like the last thing you want to do. In fact it should be the first. Water is a diuretic, so it will stimulate your body to excrete the excess. Also, if you're dehydrated, your body will retain whatever fluid is available, making bloating worse. Be sure to drink six to eight glasses every day.

6. Get A Massage: The lymph system helps maintain the correct fluid balance in the body. Have a massage therapist or your partner knead your neck, armpits, groin, backs of your knees and insides of your elbows (where lymph nodes are located) with a gentle pumping motion. Caution: Don't do this if your glands are swollen.

For Aches and Pains: Premenstrual backaches and headaches are often the result of fluctuations in prostaglandins, hormone like fatty acids that can constrict blood vessels and cause pain.

7. Drink Milk: A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that women who consumed 1,200 mg of calcium carbonate supplements a day experienced a 54% reduction in general aches and pains, while those who took a placebo experienced an increase in discomfort.

8. Do Yoga: For lower back pain, try the child pose. Kneel on the floor, separating your knees slightly, and sit back on your heels. Place a rolled towel across the tops of your thighs, then lean forward and rest your forehead gently on floor. Relax your arms alongside your body, palms facing the ceiling. Hold for at least 30 seconds, breathing deeply.

9. Heat Helps: It's the oldest remedy in the world, probably because it works. If you don't have a heating pad, warm a damp kitchen towel in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds and place it in a sealable plastic bag.

10. Sleep Tight: A good night's sleep is extra important when you're coping with premenstrual aches. Your pain threshold is lower when you're tired, so aim for eight hours a night.

For Emotional Turmoil: A premenstrual ebb in estrogen prompts a drop in your level of serotonin, the brain chemical responsible for feelings of cheer and well-being.

11. Take B Complex: Choose brown rice, the eight B-complex vitamins in brown rice work together to help metabolise glucose and stabilise brain chemistry. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is especially important in alleviating mood swings, because it plays a role in the production of tryptophan, which in turn helps the body produce serotonin. Try to get 50 mg to 200 mg of B6 a day for two weeks prior to your period; it's also found in lean meats, chicken and bananas. Don't exceed 200 mg a day, since excessive intake can cause nerve damage.

12. Eat Frequently: Eating small meals packed with complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and legumes will balance your blood sugar levels as well as your emotions.

13. Work Out: Several studies have shown that women who do aerobic exercise regularly have fewer and less severe PMS symptoms.

14. Evening Primrose Oil: Some studies have found that evening primrose oil packed with prostaglandin-regulating gamma-linoleic acid reduces mood swings, fluid retention, breast tenderness and cramps. Experts recommend taking 500 mg to 1,500 mg twice a day throughout the month, depending on the symptoms.

15. Let There Be Light: A 1997 preliminary study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that sufferers of severe PMS who were exposed to flickering red lights experienced a 76% reduction in symptoms, though scientists aren't sure exactly why.

16. Take A Chocolate: Certain chemicals in chocolate stimulate the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps you cheer up.


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