Kawan - kawan

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Comey tak ?

* Character yang sangat comey

* phone ku yang buruk sudah jadi cantek
bUANG TEBIAT APA ibu ni...
Anyway this is my new interest.
I'm thinking of collecting the phone chain .
Comey tak .
I bought from one of my colleage.
2 ringgit oly. So cheap maa..
Ok la tu .
Ibu bagi satu kat Kak Kiah and satu lagi dia beli sendiri.
Nak bagi ayah ke? Mmm let me think about it since it it to comeyl, i don't think ayah gonna put it at his handphone.
What about i paksa aje ayah suruh pakai?
Patut ke tak patut?
Ini kes buli :)

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